So there's this girl doing psychology with me. Let's call her W. Last year we did statistics and sat in the lecture together a few times. Everytime we sat next to each other I wanted to punch her, because she would not shut up and it took me every ounce of my brain to process what Eugene was saying. I eventually wised up and sat alone in the front of the class.
Today, she told me that one of her friends, N, had committed suicide.
I had interacted with N a total of 5 times.
1) She joined Rotaract and I said hi to her at the info night last year semester 2.
2) She helped out at the Biggest Morning Tea which I swung by to get some tea
3) She emailed me once to book a table for Trivia Night, and was probably there while I was there, though I didn't see her
4) She attended the Christmas picnic that I also attended. I said hi
5) We manned the stall for Rotaract one of the days for O-week
In all, I didn't know her that well. W brought it upon herself to tell me, thinking that I'd know N well. I asked her if she was okay, and told her that if she felt overwhelmed she should go talk to the counsellors at the Student Services building.
She wants to meet up sometime this week, and I do not. I feel as though I shouldn't be obliged to talk to you just because you're sad. W and I are not close friends and as far as I know she is bloody annoying. My current attitude is, W is not my problem and she has her own group of friends to talk to. I would like her to leave me alone.
That probably makes me sound like a horrible selfish person, but I guess that's what I am.