Morgan's birthday party is on this Saturday. He plans for us to meet up at his house at 4.30, where we'll catch the bus to the city, and go K till 10. Then we'll go clubbing till 2am, then catch the bus to his house and sleepover. The following day will be a house party from 12 pm, dinner at Towers, then back to his house until late.
Now I want to go clubbing. Mainly because I haven't before.
Obstacles to this are my parents.
My parents arguments against:
1) It's too late at night
2) the environment/scene is bad
3) drunk people in the city at night are 'bad'
4) sleeping over at a male's house is bad
5) I might have sex with someone/do something that violates their morals, etc.
Arguments for:
1) I have money
2) + clothes
3) + transport there and back
4) the friends that I'm going with have already been introduced to parents
5) I will not drink too much (drinks are expensive >=[)
6) I will not wear provocative clothing
7) and we will be travelling in a group
8) there will be two other girls going
9) I really want to go
10) it's on saturday, and easter break, so I don't have work/study
11) I have driving lessons the next day, so I can't drink that much
My arguments against clubbing so that I won't feel bad if they vehemently say no, despite me trying to reason with them:
1) I have to spend money
2) I could be assaulted by a really slimy guy
3) I might have to look after drunk friends
4) I could wait until I'm older (when my parents are more used to me going out, and I'm not just fresh into uni)
5) I might get bored
6) heels are annoying
I can't win this can I.
The Couponator 48: The A**hole Tax
2 hours ago
Hmm yes it's always good to write down pros and cons; I try to juggle them in my head but I never get them all down, so good work ^^
Ultimately if you really wanted to go the only obstacle left would be your 'rents. I would simply omit the clubbing bit to them when I tell them what I'm doing, after all, it won't hurt them so why tell them? But then that's just me. I find that if my parents are going to be detrimental to what I feel is right to have, then I'll go to certain measures to removing them as an obstacle.
Hope things go well for the party. Sounds like itll be a great experience for you ^^
ah yeah... i was honest with my parents, and they let me go. just once though, so I could learn oO i told them exactly what we were doing, and my dad tried to warn me about the dangers of clubbing, which i said i wouldn't believe until i say it with my own eyes. *nods*
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