I figure if I don't eat, I don't have to puke it back up again.
No, but seriously, since the holidays started and I've been sitting on my ass doing a lot of reading (Damn you LAW114!! *shakes fist*), I've stopped compulsively eating in general.
I'm not starving myself. Seriously, I eat when I'm hungry.
But I only feel hungry like twice a day now. Sometime around 11am, and then at about 8pm.
I think it has something to do with my blood sugar levels. While I was at uni, I had too much sugar and caffeine, and just crashed at the end of the day.
The Couponator 48: The A**hole Tax
2 hours ago
Ummmm... yeah! Woohoo!
Wow you've had a fairly productive mid-sem break it seems; I would've liked to have had more fun in my mid-sems too, those two posts were my only activities this week. Rest of the time I've been making study notes already T.T" But yeah I think somehow the people who've had fun all week would wish they did what you did :P
Yeah, I figured if I wanted to get somewhere in life, I should learn to manage my time. This means not facebooking so much, and not compulsively checking my blog =( a lot of my friends today were freaking out because they've done nothing for the past week, and they're freaking out about it now -_-
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