The pros and cons of moving out.
1) Freedom
2) Independence
3) Learning life skills
4) I don't have to follow my parents rules
5) My father wants me out of the house because I don't want to follow said rules
1) Money
2) I will miss my brothers
3) I haven't even started looking for a place to live
4) I don't know how to drive, and would therefore spend even more money travelling on public transport
5) I'd have to get better paid work
Right. Now that my father has officially asked me to pack my bags and leave home, I shall set about researching a place to live. I don't think he actually means it, but I will take it as an invitation to leave. Wish me luck.
Tiny Old Lady, Giant Lasting Impression
1 hour ago
wtf you srz you're already moving out? this isn't the time to find a place to live, what with the damn world screwed over financially.
But if you are, maybe find a few friends and share an apartment this must all be hard...
I am thinking of moving out. My dad has threatened (ha!) to throw me out if I don't curb my going out (I go out three or four times a week). Which I found ridiculous that 1) he would threaten something like that because he couldn't control my behaviour 2) that he thinks threatening to kick me out is a threat
because I can stand on my own two feet. I can't be pretty organised when i need to be, I have a job and I can save up money (good at being cheap kekeke)
but yeah, moving out right now at this moment is a bad idea, because i don't have enough saved up, the property market is crap and the economic crisis and what not.
I just want back up plans in case my parents think I've crossed the line and chuck me out in the cold. I don't think they'll do that, but I still want to be prepared so my dad can't use his ineffective scare tactics against me
It is hard. It's scary. But the idea of freedom and independence is pretty appealing too...
If you can move out, I would.
Family are great in small doses.
Besides, you're an adult, it's up to you how often you go out and what you do when you go out.
And anyway, you should be partying and having lots of menfriends at your age. Without anyone else interfering.
Exactly. It should be up to me to how often I go out, and what I do when I'm out. I shouldn't have to ask my parents every single time I want to go out, especially if I can get there by myself.
Actually, the majority of my friends are male. I don't really associate well with many females...
I would move out, but the reality is I'd like to do it on a positive note. If my father threatens to throw me out, and I actually have the means to do so, he'll realise that I can and will move out. Then he'll want me to stay, and when I say I don't want to I'll pretty much be burning my bridges. Which would be bad, because I need them as back up if moving out falls through. =/
Maybe you should do a practise run first. Check how much your family spends on food, electricity, water, etc. and divide it by five. Have a look at government assistance.
With all that to think about (plus rent, possibly), do you think it'll be okay? (No, this is not a sarcasic rhetorical question, it's an honest query)
Yeah, I think I'll be ok. All those things I should take a look at. I'm just to be quieter for a bit until I can save up enough money.
But yeah you can just share everything with a couple of friends...housemates. Of course you'll hafta make sure it doesnt end up like those idiots on Judge Judy haha.
Yeah, cross that bridge when it comes. They'll be a lot of different accomodation options.
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