...that you're gonna die.
Still ridiculously happy from watching Dr Horrible. I ended up going to watch it with Cookies, Twiggy, Spud, Hedless, Aix, and Bob (who does law with me). We bummed around uni for a bit with Doormat (until he had to leave to beat the traffic), hit McCentre to have dinner, then hit the bar to play pool until the show started.
The best character was Moist, played by Josh Nott, who emulated a downtrodden moisture ridden wanna-be evil henchman extraordinarily well. After that the best character, I think, was Penny, played by Emilia Thomas, who has the loveliest singing voice in student theatre I've heard so far. Equal third is Dr Horrible (Andrew Jackson), Captain Hammer (Christian Berechree). Both played their parts quite well, with their own stamp on the original characters. Then the Bad Horse Men, (Felix Pringle, Chris James, Nick Commins, Nib Brattoni). It was fairly close in terms of who I liked best though.
If you haven't seen the original Dr Horrible sing-along-blog, you need to look it up on youtube and watch it. It's really awesome.
So, it's now stuvac, but I figured I'd have more luck typing up a blog entry about the past semester and what I've learned (not academically that is).
Uni has been pretty good. I'm only doing three subjects (because apparently as a psych student I have to sign waiver forms and the like to do non-core units). Consequently, I have a 3.5 day time table and 11am starts. Which have the dis/advantage of me being relaxed for the entire semester.
Law has been really fascinating. One of the things we discussed was euthanasia and abortion which I found really fascinating... and I will write up a blog about that soon... after the exams. Most of the well spoken people in my classes are fairly intelligent, and the ones that don't speak up I obviously can't tell how intelligent they are. Fortunately there's a handful of people from my highschool doing law at my uni, so it wasn't too hard adjusting to the lectures/tutorials.
Stat, which is a co-requisite subject, has been pretty good too. I still really love my maths. Stat is actually a pretty intersting topic once you get your head around it... well maybe if you as obsessed about numbers as I am. I'm very happy I did the harder one... I probably would have slashed my wrists if I had to do stat170 =P Most of the people doing this subject are actuarial students, who are also fairly intelligent.
Psych, while in some aspects an interesting subject, in others a mind-numbing subject, is somewhat less fun than I thought it'd be. It's redeeming factors are the really interesting lecturers and their topics. The downsides: constant assessment, boring lecturers, organisational psychology, writing really dry essays and sometimes my fellow students.
By fellow students I mean the ones who are... not as bright as I'm used to lets say. I don't mean to be awful or anything, but six years in a highschool with the elite of the state has left me with expectations of certain levels of intelligence... it just takes getting used to when people ask... dubious questions. But I've gotten used to it, so that's ok now.
Speaking of fellow students I've met some pretty interesting people this semester.
In psych, there's Dale, who does psych/ed, Drew and Jerry who also do Law/Psych/Stat171 with me, Kami, who does Psych/ed (and used to go to another selective school), and Chrissy, who's just doing psych.
In Law, besides all the people I know from highschool, I've met Sirrah (who also went to another selective school) and Timber, law/actuarial students (crazy people @.@), and Doormat.
From Stat, there's Drew No. 2, who's friends with a lot of people from my old highschool, Bert, who hangs out with a Sirrah and Timber, Al and Dan (who is dinosaur's cousin), Di, who's also a law/actuarial (but I've never seen her in lectures... so eh).
Then from various places, Dani, who I met through Cookies, Kram, who I met through the drama club, and Candlestick, who I met through salsa, MM (a magical magician... hehe) and Tofu (<^^) who I also met through salsa.
I don't think that I'm letting go of my old friends just because I meeting a lot of new ones. 4 odd years together tends to have the effect of gluing us together somewhat. I still hang out with the Awesome Team when we organise stuff.
Anyway... that's enough for now... that was quite a long blog for me @.@
Tiny Old Lady, Giant Lasting Impression
1 hour ago
Yeah, Moist was pretty awesome. I saw the guy who was playing Captain Hammer yesterday... somewhere...
Speaking of Stat170, does that mean I should commit suicide now?
Well, the good thing about 170 is that you won't struggle with it. if you've done 3u maths, you should be able to skip most of the lectures and still do fairly well.
The bad thing about 170 is because of the sheer number of people doing it, there will be a lot of people in your tutes. I heard that the class sizes are pretty large.
Nah, it's not worth /suiciding for. I'd only do that because I can't handle *struggles to be politically correct* very mathematically challenged people. *cough splutter*. Yeah.
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