Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Secret fears

Things I fear/am worrying about/freaking out about:

1) Since most of the Awesome team attend one of two big universities and only an handful attend unis besides those two, the ones who don't attend the two big unis will drift away/become alienated/forgotten.

2) I will fail all my subjects this semester due to my stuff ups this semester.

3) Every guy that I become interested in will be much more interested in everyone I know except me.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

my mum is awesome

my mum drove me to uni yesterday so i could hand in my assignment on time. i think if i hadn't handed in the statistics assignment on time my pride would totally be destroyed, and i probably would have just given up on everything.

but i got it in on time. and now i'm doing psychology.

next is my law presentation =/

but i have to do whatever i have to do to get it done right?

and then afterwards I'm going to party like there's no tomorrow.

Sunday, 18 October 2009


I'm probably going to get the "I told you so" speech from dad tomorrow.

I caved and talked to my mum about how terrified i am of failing some of my subjects this semester. I really needed to make sure I wasn't going to be crucified for failing time management. She said it was okay. I feel slightly better.

Anyway. Shower, then back to work.

diving into my own destruction

so i'm taking a bit of a break. I've written 1152 words for my anthropology essay, and i have about 348 more words to go.

i really dug my own grave this semester.

i feel like i can't breathe.

Friday, 9 October 2009

Reasons why fridays are awesome, and weekends are not

1) On fridays, you catch the bus home with chivalrous-bus-guy.

I actually talked to him today. He's a friend of a friend, and I snagged an introduction. He plays in a band as the bassist/keyboardist. He is half-asian (and by extension ridiculously cute) and does environmental management.

Wait, wait, wait: awesome guy checklist ==>

[x] Musical
[x] funny
[x] uses brain for processes more complex than motor function
[?] open minded
[x] tolerant
[?] attentive
[?] emotional depth
[x] courageous

Well 5/8 is pretty decent, hahaha but I digress

Did I mention he's chivalrous? He gave up his seat under the bus shelter so I wouldn't have to stand in the rain. Aww.

And we catch the same bus regularly ^_______^

But speaking of bus guys, I remember at schoolies I was asked who I liked. I actually lied and made up a story about how I liked this cute guy I met on the bus. Well, heck.

And speaking of bus guys, I have not seen scooter/slogan guy around in ages. It probably does not help that I am no longer running in an election, nor do I take Ancient history. I am more interested in slogan guy's slogans than I am of slogan guy... it piques my curiousity you see =]

2) I've been banned from going out this weekend

Not in those words exactly but dad said: I don't want to control your life but...

There's always that but.

This means I can go watch our very own Piano Prodigy at his Fmus performance, nor will I be going to any birthday parties.

3) It's raining today

Rain makes everything better.

4) You go to work, and your boss offers you more interesting work

On Monday I get to edit their proposed 4u/extension 2 booklet. This is more interesting work than 5/6 G.A./maths trial papers. Abstract math ftw!

Ah look at me, getting all excited about numbers. I'm weird like that.

5) Your cheque will clear in 3 business days

I.e. today! I have a pretty healthy amount of dosh to save up now. Thailand 2010 here I come!

Okay. I lied. Weekends don't suck that much. I have more time to do stuff.

Anyhoo, back to work.