Friday 9 October 2009

Reasons why fridays are awesome, and weekends are not

1) On fridays, you catch the bus home with chivalrous-bus-guy.

I actually talked to him today. He's a friend of a friend, and I snagged an introduction. He plays in a band as the bassist/keyboardist. He is half-asian (and by extension ridiculously cute) and does environmental management.

Wait, wait, wait: awesome guy checklist ==>

[x] Musical
[x] funny
[x] uses brain for processes more complex than motor function
[?] open minded
[x] tolerant
[?] attentive
[?] emotional depth
[x] courageous

Well 5/8 is pretty decent, hahaha but I digress

Did I mention he's chivalrous? He gave up his seat under the bus shelter so I wouldn't have to stand in the rain. Aww.

And we catch the same bus regularly ^_______^

But speaking of bus guys, I remember at schoolies I was asked who I liked. I actually lied and made up a story about how I liked this cute guy I met on the bus. Well, heck.

And speaking of bus guys, I have not seen scooter/slogan guy around in ages. It probably does not help that I am no longer running in an election, nor do I take Ancient history. I am more interested in slogan guy's slogans than I am of slogan guy... it piques my curiousity you see =]

2) I've been banned from going out this weekend

Not in those words exactly but dad said: I don't want to control your life but...

There's always that but.

This means I can go watch our very own Piano Prodigy at his Fmus performance, nor will I be going to any birthday parties.

3) It's raining today

Rain makes everything better.

4) You go to work, and your boss offers you more interesting work

On Monday I get to edit their proposed 4u/extension 2 booklet. This is more interesting work than 5/6 G.A./maths trial papers. Abstract math ftw!

Ah look at me, getting all excited about numbers. I'm weird like that.

5) Your cheque will clear in 3 business days

I.e. today! I have a pretty healthy amount of dosh to save up now. Thailand 2010 here I come!

Okay. I lied. Weekends don't suck that much. I have more time to do stuff.

Anyhoo, back to work.


Unknown said...

Fascinating. Hm, I wonder if I've seen him- environmental managementers tend to all do the same units.
And speaking of banning from going out, I've banned myself for two weeks><
And then Halloween festival!!! I'll try and shift all my students to the morning so I can go and wander the city kehkehkeh. Coming?

gnataes said...

You might have seen him. He has large headphones around his neck most of the time. Even when it's raining -_- He's also doing politics and chinese history. It's something environmental, but i'm not sure if it's management...

yah, i conceded to my dad's point. I do need to stop going out. especially since i fudged up in the first half of semester =/

i might be able to go. we'll see @.@ workload =/

Unknown said...

Wait, how do you get environmental from politics and chinese history?????
So no, I probably haven't seen him.