Slightly less than a year ago, a friend of mine talked to me about her relationship troubles. I predicted (not to her face), that the reason why she was having problems was because it was a relationship stemming from highschool, and that it wouldn't last much longer. I was right... and now she's in another relationship.
Being the gossip that I am, I enjoy digging out details about people's lives... whether it's some traumatic memory from when they were 16, to the newest item of clothing that they bought, to what their parents do for a living. People interest me... most of the time. The only time I don't find people interesting is when I'm in an extremely bad mood.
I guess I'm trying to segue into something another friend told me last week. What she said was that a couple of years back, another friend of mine approached her for sex. What she was confused about was that he considered her to be like a sister... and yet he wanted her sexually. Apparently this guy can't tell the difference between love and lust... to him they are pretty much the same thing.
Which brings me to (yeah... ok, so I'm not so great with segues. So sue me. Actually don't.) the fact that it's only been more recently that I've been able to tell the difference between lust... and actually liking someone enough to consider being in any semblance of a relationship with them.
Yup, you know it. I am a friggin genius.
And hey, what do you know but at the moment I don't particularly like anyone. Which is sad... but hey, I guess there's less opportunities to be hurt... or disappointed... or angry.
I don't feel well educated enough to make any political posts anytime soon... so maybe once I know enough about Marxism, Nietzsche, and just more political discourse in general I might write something more substantial. Till then, CBF.
Tiny Old Lady, Giant Lasting Impression
1 hour ago
The weird thing is, I might just know who it is you're talking about. When I'm not off in some other world, I can have scary insight... =/
Either that, or I'm completely overplaying that fact that I am a closet gossip. =/ × 100
You probably met her at my new year's party... so yeah. The first person I mentioned that is... not the girl after. =]
Well, I live in my own fantasy world, so that's hardly surprisingly.
The only thing I can say is: be careful. With many things.
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