Thursday 23 April 2009

when all you got to keep is strong move along...

Man that guy is ugly. But this song is the song that helps me out the most when I'm feeling crap.

Um yeah.

So... apparently I'm a useless person to talk to when it concerns emotions, because as the cold hard bitch that I am, I don't feel emotions. Hence I don't understand them, and lack empathy. Which is why I'm not a doctor I suppose. And I'm on the way to hell (the path to hell is paved in gold, so I'm told).

er... 6 days to write this essay... and I'm procrastinating again... despite the fact that I'm trying to change. -_- *shakes head* I disappoint myself. *sigh*


Unknown said...

So I blinked and missed a billion posts... do you put your entire life up here?
Hey, you're procrastinating too, yay! *high five*
Or not... >.>
I need to work ><

gnataes said...

Yeah... pretty much. I think, therefore I blog.

yarrr... procrastination = dame *bu bu*

yep. work. work is good.

and I can't post comments on your blog >_>