Monday, 22 November 2010
it's that time again
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
new phone!
Monday, 15 November 2010
birthday dinner
but if she calls me fat again, i will thank her for taking me out and politely ask if i can go home and then i'm never going out with her again.
yeah my birthday is not going to be the funnest.
but you know, i'm not actually that fat. when i put my legs together, my knees don't touch, my butt is mostly muscle, and once exams are over i'll hit the gym, sleep normally, stop eating at random times and my stomach will flatten.
Thursday, 14 October 2010
Ness' guide to team work with Ness.
1) Where possible, form groups with people you already know and have contact details of. That way, if you have to you can harass them via facebook, email, phone and in person.
2) Once the group is formed and no one else wants to step up, assert some leadership. Talk about what the task is, what needs to be done, when it needs to be done by and who needs to do which part. The reason for setting a schedule is so that we can review the work done together as a group so it'll be easier to pinpoint what works and what doesn't.
3) Make sure that everyone knows exactly what they're supposed to do. In order for this to work, all team members must be present at each meeting. If you can't make it to a meeting you need a reasonable and acceptable excuse like your grandma died and you're going to the funeral or you've contracted a debilitating illness.
If your excuse is, "oh, I'm so hung over" or "I can't bother to come into uni on days when it's convenient for everyone else" my standard response from now on will be FUCK OFF. If you can't be bothered to study hard and only just want to pass, I will kick you out of the group.
4) If you haven't done your allocated task by the set schedule, then my response will also be FUCK OFF.
5) If I've told you to send something before 2am I mean it motherfucker.
6) Although I've asserted leadership, I will not tolerate doing all the work. I've allocated tasks for a reason, and I expect you to comply.
7) Compliance with all my rules will lead to handing the assignment on time. Furthermore if everyone in the group is smart and has done their parts to a good standard then we will get a fantastic mark.
Monday, 11 October 2010
This is why lawyers can't have nice things.
Lawyers have the highest rates of depression amongst professionals, according to Beyond Blue survey.
Thinking about it now it does make sense. Mathmaticians have the best job satisfaction, outranking lawyers according to JobsRated.
Personally, I think it's because mathematicians can solve problems that have right and wrong answers. Lawyers don't. Maybe that's simplifying it, but I feel like I want to help people by fixing problems, but as a lawyer I'm not really fixing anything.
Oh well, back to more law readings.
Thursday, 7 October 2010
tired mumblings
It is hard. The work is hard. There is never a right or wrong answer in law, and there is only an occasional yes or no in psychology based on what we've proven or disproven. Statistics is a bunch of maybes and 95% sure's.
It's only going to get harder. A lawyer or a psychologist, someone who fixes other problems. There's no textbook with the answers in the back, and you have to use your own reasoning to help as best as you can. You have to force yourself to think.
It's so easy not to think. It's so easy to be pulled along by the next high or low that strikes you. Love, drugs, trying to earn money, having fun and vegging out are all really easy to do. And if the tasks are enjoyable you want to do them more. It's human nature.
But tertiary students who are challenged and required to think and process large amounts of information, try and fit it into how their own logic works, and try and apply that to the world around them have a responsibility to use their intelligence.
We're the next generation. We have almost everything at our fingertips: information, basic needs, luxuries and many things that money can't buy. But we can and we have to make things better, for not just ourselves, but for the people we care about, for the people they care about , for the people who need our help. Because we're all human and I believe that all humans have a chance to develop and become a much better, kinder species if only the people we're educating use their brains and decide that being open, tolerant, well informed, fair and balanced is what's right.
Basically, I'm so tired right now. I'm not trying my best to do my best and sometimes I fall back and do things that are really easy because I don't have to think. But I know that's wrong and something has to change. I don't want to be the person who half asses their way through their education and becomes the not fully competent professional because I won't be any good to anyone. I don't want any student to half ass it through their education either because that stunts human growth.
I understand that development doesn't hinge entirely on academic success, and that students should be actively involved in what they have a strong interest and passion for, whether that be the performing arts, the environment, history, recreational sports and the like. But there needs to be a balance. The more knowledge we have, the more empowered students are. I believe this. We might be idealistic youths but I really believe that our generation will be the generation that changes the world for the better.
Monday, 27 September 2010
The cove
We love you, we love you, we love you
And when you play we follow, we follow, we follow
Coz we all follow Sydney, the Sydney, the Sydney,
And that's the way we like it, we like it, we like it.
That's the way
(You fucking cunts)
We like it
(You fucking cunts)
Sunday, 26 September 2010
the last two months of stuff
Mostly helped out with the Rotaract stall (we were sharing with the Dance Academy) and sold gerberas to raise money for the Mexican orphanage La Casa... and to promote the Latin Festival we were going to host later. Hung out with the Singaporean Student Association a bit and the Brewster.
A pretty good film. Not as mind-blowing or hard to understand as everyone made it out to be. The action scenes didn't exactly require insane mental powers to understand. Clever beginning and ending. Newfound admiration for Joseph Gordon Levitt and Ellen Page :3
Australian Election
My first proper election I guess. Voted for the local Labor member, and in the Senate voted for the Greens, Sex Party, Independents etc etc. I am probably partially responsible for the 9 seats the Greens now hold in the Senate hehehe. The Labor candidate for my area lost, but the Liberal member has experience I guess.
We still have a female, ranga prime minister, who is probably hanging on precariously because the votes were so close.
Latin Fest
We'd been trying to organise this stupid thing for a year now, and it finally culminated in an explosion of fantastic musical and dance performances, made even better with some spicy choripan, filling empanadas and slighty-too-crunchy churros.
Damn it, I still promote it instinctively. But it really was fun. I even got to let loose and dance a couple of times. Watching the Brazilian dancers, Mel and Nestor perform was really exciting and mindblowing too.
Scott Pilgrim v The World
Very funny film. Lots of great lines and nerdy references. Knives was so cute, I wanted to adopt her haha. The final battle was pretty epic.
Law + Psych Assignments
Two assignments due the same time on Monday morning made for a hell of last minute assignment cramming.
The plus side is I've handed in everything this semester on time (unlike last semester). I plan to keep doing that.
Bumblebee's Birthday Week
Bought a bag, discovered our favourite section of the library, bought a box full of useless stuff, made an awesome birthday card made of cardboard. Didn't actuall see Bee on his actual birthday though =/
Science Revue
Went to see Sherlock Ohms and Dr. Wattson and the Light Brigade at Sydney Uni. Very clever at times, funny at times, and constantly entertaining.
Actually went to lunch with Pichu and a bunch of highschool friends before hand, then going to karaoke for a few hours (glorious, extra, free minutes at the end hahaha). Actually sang a few Korean songs... despite not speaking or understanding more than a handful of phrases ^^
The bus home at night was a nightmare though. V and grog cans strewn everywhere, the entire bus stinking of BO, chunder and cigarette smoke. Got home pretty late too xS
Relay for life
Hiked all the way to the sports field, set up a blanket and dozed in the sun for a bit. Set up Bee's tent and put up his awesome Samurai Blue flag on the side of the tent. Had some delicious, healthy lunch provided by Bee then went Cookies hunting. Found her malnutritioned and exhausted from long hours of working. Mooched around some more and got some snacks to eat.
Eventually the actual relay kicked off and we had some fun dancing around the field for the first lap. Left early to get home and took an awesome short cut which I am totally using next time.
Sydney FC
Today! Went to see the footbal, Sydney FC v Gold Coast United. Met up in the city with Bee and had some Hungry Jacks for lunch. Waited for Bee's friend to turn up so we could take the bus to the stadium. When we got there it seemed like there were heaps of people there. The stadium seemed so full, it was pretty amazing. Actual attendance was something short of 10 000 =O
The Cove (organised bunch of really vocal Sydney FC supporters) sat in a particular bay and led the chants and songs throughout the entire game. Sydney scored first, then the Gold Coast potted one just before hlaf time (GUUUUUH).
Then some juniors came on the field at half time to play mini soccer, which was really fun to watch and cheer for.
The game ended in a draw, which was pretty disappointing. But yeah, definitely something I'd go watch again.
Tuesday, 3 August 2010
the difference between
I love fucking you
is that if you love someone, you will eat ALL of their cooking and say that it tastes great.
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
i think too much


I am probably a:

I'm not sure why it's such an imperative for me to be skinny, and why it's such an imperative that I have tiny thighs and a flat belly.
I've come to terms with not having tiny thighs. I've kind of decided that, as most women go, having thighs (in general) is a fact of life.
I've come to terms with the fact that at my height, I should only be a certain density.
But I just can't come to terms with the fact that I will probably never have a flat belly like this:

I mean I could... but when it comes down to it all I tend to choose to be lazy than to do something about it.
What I think I'm trying to express is that I think I'm normal. It's very hard to find pictures of normal people. It's very easy to find pictures of people belonging in the extremes. So much so that because I'm inundated with images of "skinny" women, I get the feeling I'm starting to think of them as normal. I mean they clearly aren't.
I think it's a very interesting task, trying to write yourself out of thinking something. It might not be so interesting to read sure... but that's kind of the reason I try not to advertise my blog.
I think the last thing I'm trying to nut out is the fact that I get the impression that talking about your insecurities, or the things that make you sad, seems to be avoided. I guess when people are together in a group they're trying to have a good time. I mean, I don't know about most people but when I'm with other people I tend to feel happier, and there's less time to think. I feel like if I talk about any worries or fears that it will ruin the mood. That's not to say it stops me from doing it, but I guess over time I've stopped talking about certain subjects.
And those subjects usually end up here.
I also get the impression that no one actually has insecurities, and that I'm the only one that does. I mean obviously that's not true, but it's very very easy to focus on my own thoughts, and it's very easy to look for "evidence" that supports my impression. From a psychological stand point I see why that happens, and that it happens to most people, so technically I should know better. And I'm trying. I'm slowly but surely collecting everyone else's insecurities and weaving them into a blanket that I can hide under and keep warm in. Or some other ridiculous metaphor representing warmth and comfort.
I think I'm feeling better about my thoughts now that I've written this out.
Monday, 14 June 2010
Sunday, 13 June 2010
Hell week is over.
Just one more exam to go, then I'm free. Holidays, then another semester of this love-hate relationship with my education.
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
What inspires you creatively?
Getting my heart stomped on. Beautiful weather. Terrible weather. Sickness. Beautiful boys. Annoying people. Malaise.
Lots of things.
Sunday, 6 June 2010
fuck this shit i'm going to hogwarts
i just have to edit it. come on. come on. baby if you and me ain't trying, i can't see the point. come on. come on.
Friday, 4 June 2010
Do we all see the same colours?
Actually, I'd say we don't. Colour is actually just an experience in the mind. Let's say for example, you're looking at a "green" object. Light from some source shines onto the object, and it absorbs every other wavelength besides the greenish wavelengths and a couple of blueish and yellowish wave lengths. The waves that haven't been absorbed are reflected off the object and into our eyes.
Once the light hits our eyes, then the three different cones in our retina (focused on long, medium and short wavelengths) will differentiate the wavelengths that have hit them and changes light energy into electrical energy, which is then (to make a longer story short) transmitted to the brain as a particular colour.
Now here's where people DON'T see the same colour. Some people have a defective cone type... or two... or three... and therefore their ability to differentiate colour is less than the normal person's. They'll still be able to see some colours, but the ones they can't differentiate will be grey (I think).
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Saturday, 15 May 2010
Thursday, 13 May 2010
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
Saturday, 8 May 2010
I think I managed to single-handedly destroy my immune system this week.
Karmic forces are at work. When I'm happy and having super amounts of fun, life sucker punches me in the face.
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
Monday, 3 May 2010
So. Fricking. High.
19 of them happened today.
I feel bloody fantastic. You would not even BELIEVE.
Sunday, 2 May 2010
Match made in heaven
Seriously, think about it. A voyeur likes to watch people do things. While in the normal sense of the word the things that a voyeur likes to watch are sexual in nature, this can extend to other things. Like Facebook stalking people. And staring at people on public transport.
An attention whore is someone who loves attention, and will do anything to get that attention. Maybe it's a pride thing. Maybe it's a needy thing. Who knows? In any case everything an attention whore does is carefully archived away into photos, videos or words to be accessed via some social networking site.
The perfect couple... the attention whore regulars acts and reaches out for validation while the voyeur watches and gives their silent (or not so silent) approval.
Pretty messed up huh?
Saturday, 1 May 2010
Something important?
I'm not sure of the exact date anymore. I mean, I think I know it, but I'm not completely sure.
I am rummaging through my past, documents and files that might give me an accurate description of what happened... but I can't find them.
It feels like I've misplaced some fundamental aspect of my past.
This is what panic feels like.
Thursday, 29 April 2010
Describe the most beautiful dream you've had...
I don't particularly remember the dreams I have when I'm asleep, but I have written some of them down. One involved anthropomorphic celestial beings, and falling in love with one of them. I don't remember it though, so I can't exactly describe it.
Favourite pokemon?
So much nostalgia involved with this question... gosh where do I start? I actually used to watch the Pokemon series on T.V. and I pretty much fell in love with Meowth from Team rocket. He just had the saddest back story (Well at the time I was 10. Sue me. Actually, don't), and it always struck me as hilariously funny that Meowth was the only Pokemon that could talk (Well... at the time, we're not including the later films and arcs).
Then I got into the game. The original blue version... the first Pokemon I chose was Bulbasaur. I think I got pretty attached to that Bulbasaur, and if I ever lost a battle it was a personal affront.
Then there was Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire. I'm pretty sure I started with Torchick with one, then Treecko with the other, then I started the game again with Mudkip. Now while Mudkip (then Marshtomp, and subsequently Swampert) was pure pwnage in battle, I held a soft for Torchic because it was just so darn cute (and it's evolved forms were also pretty rad).
But damn, it's hard to pick a favourite! I think I might go with Torchic because I'm lame like that ^_________^
Would you rather solve global warming or solve poverty?
Interesting question. While it is really important that we still have a viable planet to live on in a 100 years time or so, I think I'd rather solve poverty first. This is mainly because I believe once everyone has a decent standard of living, there'd be a greater range of people who would then be equipped to solve global warming.
But of course, I'm looking at this pragmatically. If I were a genie of some sort, and had the power to solve one with the click of my fingers... I'd still fix poverty first. When I think about poverty I think it includes your quality of life, AND things like health and education.
Also, Global Warming, as such is not really the problem here. Yes, there seems to be an increase in temperature, resulting in the melting of the ice caps... and the imminent destruction of Tuvalu. But there's also a host of other environment problems not just related to the climate. I'm not sure how much would change if "Global Warming" were solved, because then none of the other issues (I'm thinking deforestation... desertification... holes in the ozone etc) would have really been impacted. Overall, poverty seems (in my humble and not really educated opinion) the more wide-reaching issue here.
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
Sunday, 25 April 2010
*mind blown*
"I haven't been fucked like that since grade school" - Marla: Fight Club
The overall tone of the film was apocalyptic, dissonant and grey like a winter's day. The issues within the film made for difficult watching, and yet at the same time it was dangerously seductive, hypnotic and compelling.
After watching it I fell into the foetal position, cried and went into an angst coma. I exaggerate, but the film did affect me immensely. There are many reason why I think it did.
As a law student, I feel that I am becoming increasingly amoral. The protagonist's descent into amorality leads to the destruction of his world and of the person he loves the most. Also in this film, lust and pride were the two main 'sins' that led the protagonist to his downfall struck a chord. We all have a self-preserving bias, and we all want to be wanted and loved.
Maybe I was worried by this film because I internalised the fact that being a law student, having a fairly positive view of myself, and wanting to be loved was going to send me to hell or would result in the birth of the Anti-christ.
Maybe I'm just being silly. Maybe I'm thinking too much. I don't know.
Edit: some epic quotes from the Devil himself... er I mean Al Pacino, playing the Devil:
"Let me give you a little inside information about God. God likes to watch. He's a prankster. Think about it. He gives man instincts. He gives you this extraordinary gift, and then what does He do, I swear for His own amusement, his own private, cosmic gag reel, He sets the rules in opposition. It's the goof of all time. Look but don't touch. Touch, but don't taste. Taste, don't swallow. And while you're jumpin' from one foot to the next, what is he doing? He's laughin' His sick, fuckin' ass off! He's a tight-ass! He's a SADIST! He's an absentee landlord! Worship that? NEVER!
You sharpen the human appetite to the point where it can split atoms with its desire; you build egos the size of cathedrals; fiber-optically connect the world to every eager impulse; grease even the dullest dreams with these dollar-green, gold-plated fantasies, until every human becomes an aspiring emperor, becomes his own God... and where can you go from there?
I'm here on the ground with my nose in it since the whole thing began. I've nurtured every sensation man's been inspired to have. I cared about what he wanted and I never judged him. Why? Because I never rejected him. In spite of all his imperfections, I'm a fan of man! I'm a humanist. Maybe the last humanist."
My world feels so off centre right now.
Friday, 23 April 2010
It's been ten days, without you in my reach.
Work is a lot less fun without Work guy and Work guy 2 around :| Work guy 2 was SUPPOSED to be teaching today but he skived off ==" And I didn't finish off the book I was typing because I had to teach. Oh well, I'll still get paid. Mr. Boss didn't turn up, but Mrs. Boss was there later in the afternoon. It was strangely quiet at work.
I had lunch by myself today. How sad.
It's probably because ANZAC day is coming up.
Something I found on DLS:
"There should be someone constantly following you, with big, strong, warm arms, waiting for whenever you need a good hug.
Now would be the time for one of those hugs :ccc"
I am a car that runs on hugs.
Things I think about at work, instead of work
1) Acrostic poems. Today I decided I am vocal, amiable, naive, exciting, surprising, spontaneous and addictive.
2) Mathematical formulas not entirely related to the chapter I have to type up.
3) Food
4) Sleep
5) Sex
6) Blogging
7) Salsa
8) Latin festival
9) Song lyrics
10) Movie/TV quotes
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
I don't even speak korean!
This is what was stuck in my head about one month ago:
There's that little bit of english, and the rest I can only mumble. So, so insanely catchy though -_-
Also, random side note: No facebook since Friday night. Because I can. And it's not like anyone notices. But I feel so much happier without it.
Sunday, 18 April 2010
No one would pay for these thoughts
1) I need help. I still haven't learnt that procrastination has long term negative consequences >=(
2) I don't think about trust issues anymore. If people hurt me, they'll hurt me. I'll just learn not to answer their questions truthfully.
3) Most of my friends are reliable.
4) I'm not replying back to letters due to sheer laziness... and I don't care anymore.
5) Nathan Fillion in Castle is awesome.
6) I'm going to have fun learning to start conversations with people in creative ways.
7) I want to learn how to make mash ups.
8) Bouncing ideas and theories off my family is actually pretty fun. Time consuming, but fun.
9) I can't stand not talking to people. Holidays where I'm stuck at home ARE THE WORST.
10) I got a hair cut. I miss my hair, split ends and all.
Saturday, 17 April 2010
Dirty little secrets
It's been approximately nine months since I started posting there, and it's made me feel a little less lonely. Every time I've shared a secret or a thought there I felt as though they no longer haunted me, and I was no longer ashamed of them. I'm going to share some here, because I feel like it. In no particular order, and of little interest to any of the readers here... probably.
This will be a long post, chock-a-block full of crazy. Read at your own risk.
Tue Jul 28, 2009 7:46 pm
I was blindsided by [him] on Saturday.
Then I remembered [he] was afraid of heights.
Tue Jul 28, 2009 11:23 am
I want to make sweet, sweet music with [him].
Sat Jul 25, 2009 9:28 am
I did everything [he] told me to do, including dating my first boyfriend.
Nowadays my ex won't talk to me. It's like I don't exist anymore.
And [he] doesn't want me either. [He's] never wanted me. But now I'm ok with that. I just wish I could talk to [him] normally, to prove that I'm over [him].
Sat Jul 25, 2009 12:34 am
The last time I freaked out. I just kept looking down. I stuttered when you asked me what I'm thinking about. The next time we hang out I will redeem myself, my heart can't rest 'till then. Now I can't wait to see you again.
But seriously, I'm such an idiot around [him]. Why can't we just talk like normal people =/
Sun Mar 14, 2010 10:28 pm
I was looking forward so much to meeting up with my friends from highschool on Saturday.
It didn't occur to me that they would change after a year, that I wouldn't feel connected to them anymore, and that they'd make new friends.
It wasn't a nasty surprise or anything, but it still saddens me to know that I was surprised.
Sun Aug 30, 2009 8:51 pm
We promised we'd stay friends when it was all over.
We didn't.
Sat Jul 25, 2009 12:52 am
I've been pretending for the last 12 days that I haven't been on facebook so I don't have to write "happy birthday" on the walls of my old high-school friends. I was close to these with these friends while I was in highschool, but now that we're in university, we don't talk much anymore =/
Sun Mar 21, 2010 3:23 pm
Perfect is over-rated.
Also, the only sandwich I'll ever make for [you] will be laced with poison, [you] misogynist jerk.
Sat Mar 20, 2010 12:53 pm
Stop calling, stop calling I don't want to think anymore, I left my heart and my head on the dancefloor.
Mon Mar 22, 2010 7:21 pm
Apparently Imogen was in Sydney, and I somehow didn't hear about it. I am full of RAAAAAAAAAGE as of this moment.
Sun Mar 21, 2010 4:10 pm
I see the scars of searches everywhere I go
From hearts to wars to literature to radio
There's a question like a shame no one will show
"What do I live for?"
Sun Mar 21, 2010 4:06 pm
fear the zero
Sometimes, I post in here just to post and hope
that someone might quote me.
It makes me feel like I'm connecting with them,
even for a moment,
and that I'm not completely invisible.
Sun Mar 21, 2010 3:56 pm
wealthy franchise
Casidhe Wetherington
I'm stoked for the Avatar: The Last Airbender movie
Sun Mar 21, 2010 3:37 pm
Sometimes, I wish there weren't such negative connotations to women having and enjoying sex.
Sun Mar 21, 2010 3:33 pm
I should get to work. But it seems as though I don't want to.
Sun Mar 21, 2010 3:28 pm
I feel extremely fortunate. I am fairly attractive, my family is awesome, I live in a pretty good country, I'm fed three or more times a day, I'm doing a course I enjoy.
And yet, I feel guilty because not everybody gets this lucky.
Sun Mar 21, 2010 3:19 pm
Look at me
I will never pass for a perfect bride
Or a perfect daughter
Sat Mar 20, 2010 1:42 pm
Things that I look for in a man: Smart, funny, talkative, attractive, dances, sings, plays an instrument, kind, sweet and slightly romantic.
Essentially a male version of myself.
This worries me.
Sat Mar 20, 2010 1:03 pm
I think my smile is my secret weapon. People are forced to smile back at me. I love it.
Sat Aug 29, 2009 10:35 pm
having acid reflux is a good cover for bulimia.
Sat Aug 29, 2009 10:33 pm
Putting on weight pros and cons
- bigger boobs
- selective filtering of people who only like me because of how I look
- i feel ugly
- i am told constantly by random people that I'm putting on weight
- when I dance I can't do things like dips, lifts or jumps without looking like a flying pig.
- heart disease
Sat Aug 15, 2009 8:29 pm
I really hate driving.
Wed Aug 05, 2009 10:08 pm
I never let on, that I was on a sinking ship
I never let on that I was down
Tue Aug 04, 2009 12:57 am
Revolving Hips
I do get excited when I get a PM.
Tue Jul 28, 2009 9:42 pm
Uncle Johnny
over it.
i'm not allowed to, why should you?
Tue Jul 28, 2009 8:26 pm
my first kiss sucked.
Sat Jul 25, 2009 1:03 am
I want to try and eat only one meal a day... but if I don't go to the kitchen every 2/3 hours a day to snack, or make something to eat I actually save about two hours, with which I don't know what to do with.
So now I've put on weight. I've put on about 2 kilos since uni started... and they're not budging. I have to wear loose/baggy clothes to hide the rolls of fat I have on my stomach.
Sun Aug 30, 2009 8:52 pm
Actually, screw that. I hope I hurt you like hell.
Wed Aug 05, 2009 10:44 pm
I hope you're feeling better now that you have someone to blame.
Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:24 am
Ok, I'll just not talk to you. If you email/fb/msn/txt I will not reply. I sent you six words and look how you reacted O_o
goodnight DLS
Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:15 am
Well you can get bent too.
You know what this means.
Get on your knees and pray!
Oh Tofu, you give me the giggles ^^ Well I'll be happy if I can have you, and Chrissy can have Mark ^~^
Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:05 am
I know this friendship is dying, but somehow I can't bring myself to care. All I can think of is how much of an immature brat you are.
Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:01 am
To the last parade
When the parties fade
And the choice you made
To the End.
Tue Aug 04, 2009 12:59 am
Uncle Johnny
I don't know what people see in me, honestly.
I don't know why you want to be anything with me anymore.
I disgust you, you've said it more than twice.
I'm a bad friend, you've said it before.
I know that, so I moved away.
I didn't want to be a bad friend, so I became a distant friend.
I don't know what you want from me.
I'm a horrid person, I know!
Every time you get close to me, you just find something else that you don't like.
Why can't you just stay on the surface like every one else and be happy?
i don't want to be a mean person anymore.
i don't want to be a disgusting thing anymore.
i don't want to be anymore.
Mon Aug 03, 2009 9:44 pm
You think you're special, but I know, yeah I know, yeah I know that we know that you're not.
Mon Aug 03, 2009 9:04 pm
srsli just gtfo of my life already.
Mon Jul 27, 2009 10:48 pm
When there's nothing left to burn, you have to set yourself on fire.
I'm watching this friendship die, and I don't care anymore.
Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:48 am
I suppose I shouldn't have sent that text expecting a reply 3
Mon Mar 22, 2010 9:02 pm
x Sephiralen x
It used to kill me when I'd see he was online but not talking to me.
I'd literally go nuts.
I've come far.
Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:45 pm
It's probably silly, but everytime I start obsessing over some new guy, I always play "Goodnight and Go" on repeat over and over. I makes me feel happy and silly and just general stalkerish. Hmm. Not sure if those belong in the same sentence.
Mon Mar 22, 2010 7:18 pm
I bet it was him on the bus. Same style of shirt he usually wears, same haircut, right kind of shape. Ah maybe it's just wishful thinking because I haven't seen him in a month -_-
Whoever it was, the thought of having them wake up with a giant mark on their face makes me chortle.
Sun Mar 21, 2010 2:36 pm
Oh god. It's his birthday tomorrow. I don't know if I should acknowledge it or not.
Wed Mar 17, 2010 11:12 pm
Now that I've texted him, I have no real desire to talk to him again. Sure it might be interesting, but it's not a pressure I have to succumb to anymore.
Sun Mar 14, 2010 9:11 pm
I may be a little guilty of overdramatising my life so that it suits the songs that I listen to.
Even when I daydream, I chicken out before asking him out. What's wrong with me?
Friday, 16 April 2010
Okay, I'm not that stupid.
You have to do what you have to in order to show that you're friendly. Sure that might mean having a nice conversation during your coffee break, or going for lunch together.
You just have to make sure at the same time that you're not willing to go beyond the usual "How are you, how was your weekend" kind of deal. So if their wife dies you express your sadness for them, but don't offer to be there emotionally for them when you should be working. Cold? A little perhaps, but if their wife died should they really be at work?
Point is: yes boss, I am aware that you are advising me to be somewhat distant to a certain co-worker. Thank you for the advice that getting involved with him would be a bad idea in the long run. I am aware of all this, and you talking about it with me is just so very, very awkward.
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
Quick recap of holidays
We also went to some jap restaurant for dinner. Morgan's GF eats a shitload. Even more than Pendragon. And that's saying something.
8th: First day back at work for me for this holiday, and coincidentally first day back for work guy. Since we hadn't spoken for about 6 weeks we were a leeeeeeeetle too friendly. And consequently our boss told us off x.x oops.
Apparently work guy is a casual dating slut because when he sees someone (regardless of gender) he hasn't talked to in a while, he goes with them for coffee/lunch/dinner/a movie or something similar that you would do on a casual date. I find this amusing. While we were having lunch, an older (fat) lady made suggesting eyebrow wiggles at him. BWAHAHAHA Even the memory of this amuses me. It did not amuse him.
I, on the other hand, am a people slut... according to Doormat. I can't go (so he says) for 5 minutes with saying hi to someone I know. I can't help it! I just like waving to people. And getting barred is just lip-smackingly delicious.
9th: Morgan's b'day at Bicentennial park. We got lost on the way there (because I was navigating D=), and we got lost on the way back (Because Pendragon was supposed to be navigating... but Cyan and I navigated instead)... then we got back on the right track after an emergency call to mum. Fun times
Fun quotes:
Jellybean: So around Homebush is DFO, the park, where they're having the Easter show and a cemetery right?
Me: *not quite paying attention* BOW CHIKA WOW WOW.
Jellybean + Cyan: WORST TIME TO SAY THAT EVER!!!!!!!!!11
*Pendragon straddling the back of a bench*
Us: Doesn't that hurt?
Pendragon: No it's ok! *points to crotch area* It's hollow!
So we chilled at the park... and climbed on the epic rope structure thing... while disapproving parents looked on ^^"
Then we went to Morgan's house. Awesome dude's twin did an EPIC HARDCORE shuffle to a techno song, and Morgan (like Jellybean a long long time ago) experienced a split second moment of pure regret in midair during a jump into his backyard pool sometime at night. People kept stealing Cookies' Strongbow (or rather awesome dude's twin's Strongbow).
12th: work + stuffed up with time management
13th: work + pwned a student
14th: work + stuffed up again + getting advice/being told off.
Well I got advice about how to teach better.
And then my boss somehow segued into telling me in a really round-about way not to be too friendly with people at work. Well she told me flat out that if a co-worker wants to touch me I should say no. HAHAHAHA out of context that sounds so wrong. She made a hugging gesture at that point, not a grabbing bum kind of gesture.
Anyway, that's my recap. I've been making money yes, but I haven't studied. I am in trouble. I shall start today. Promise.
Friday, 2 April 2010
High Heels: The Modern Day Equivalent of Foot Binding.

I was talking to Bob the other day about how high heels were a symbol of how ingrained patriarchy was. How else could you explain why women willingly inflict pain (and future permanent physiological damage) upon themselves in order to appear more attractive? The reasons for wearing highheels are similar to the reasons for foot binding: they make your feet look smaller, they limit your gait, and they emphasise the movement of your legs/hips/thighs: all of which are meant to make you appear more erotic.
Not to mention that wearing some high heels hurts like hell. Foot binding hurt horrendously too.
I argued that heels made you taller. Bob said that height is a positive construct created by men, and men on average are taller than women.
I didn't really have anything to say to that.
But if women want to suffer for fashion and appearance, then we oughta let 'em right?
I think I'll avoid wearing heels where possible. I can move my hips without them, and I've accepted the fact that I'm never going to be tall so what's the point?
On another quasi-feminist tangent: LADY GAGA TOMORROW. I am excitement.
Man people have such negative attitudes towards her. Who cares if she may or may not be a hermaphrodite? Who cares if she knows and embraces her sexuality?
I read somewhere that Lady Gaga exploits sex appeal to sell records. WHATEVER MANG. The only reason why sex sells is because people can't have it. According to the Christians, Jews, Muslims, Asians, the Capitalists and you get the point.
Her music is good. It's gone back to what pop music should be, just awesome tunes and no super deep meanings.
Friday, 26 March 2010
Yay! New Kicks
1) My bosses are really awesome. They give me free food, and don't really have a lot of rules except: don't talk too much, don't listen to music and don't surf the web.
2) The pay. It's not a lot, but then again it's definitely below the limits of the tax bracket, hence I don't have to pay tax. It's also enough for me to save up, and also spend from time to time.
3) The students. Teaching is surprisingly fun (and easy).
4) The co-workers. Because it's a tutoring place, we're always recruiting young, smart high-school/uni students. It's a pretty easy way of making friends.
5) The flexibility. Unless otherwise organised my work hours are based on my schedule.
Anyway, that's enough procrastinating for now. T_T
Monday, 22 March 2010
Do I have secrets?
I'm not sure if this transparency is a good or a bad thing. But at least I don't have secrets.
Sunday, 21 March 2010
Monday, 8 March 2010
More relationship advice
Me: Okay...? And?
He's cute, funny, smart and really really nice.
Me: God. Where do you meet these people.
Haha, very funny. I asked him out subtly... but he said no. Should I ask him again?
Me: Oh... honey... No. Just no. Don't you have any pride?
But I'm sure he likes me? Maybe he's not into going to see that particular movie.
Me: ... I think he's just letting you down gently.
*sniff* But I really like this guy! Maybe he'll change his mind?
Me: I dunno... Maybe. I'm sorry I can't help you =/
-_- Why do I get the feeling that somebody, somewhere out there is laughing at me?
And I totally saw bus guy again today. Which doesn't make sense, because I thought he transferred unis =/
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
Mr. Right Now
While it'd be nice to indulge in my silly romantic side, I probably don't have the time for it right now.
Monday, 1 March 2010
Cosmic Irony...
But I think that it's something like this: people talking to me about their relationship problems... and me feeling compelled to make some comment about it/give advice...
Yes. Because I am the most qualified to be giving out relationship advice. Not being in any significant kind of romantic relationship for 2 and a bit odd years. Go me.
Friday, 26 February 2010
A number is a funny thing.
So now I have another... pretty much useless... phone number in my phone. I don't know what to do with it. I want to call him, but maybe I'm supposed to wait or something. It's not like he's going to have any time to see me once he starts uni next week.
Figures he'd leave it to the last day that we'll see each other to get my number. Baka-yaro.
The other useless number I have is Bus guy's number... which I'm totally deleting... like right now.
On the flip-side, I saw Nee-hime today with her BF. That was nice.
I also got paid today. I am getting that much closer to my plane tickets to thailand. yeearr.
Thursday, 25 February 2010
Influential Halfies of my Life
Sass says they moved. Whatever. But dance truly unites and reunites people... because she is at uni, and in the dance society with me... as a krumper.
Deewhy: A major primary school obsession/academic+dramatic+dance rival. I say obsession because I was both fascinated by the interest he was receiving from all the girls in the grade, and rival because I wanted to beat his ass at everything.
Cookies: Current bestie, from highschool. Understands my unintelligle mutterings. *sappy emotional stuff*
Bus guy: first cute *and* interesting guy at uni.
Anyway, tl;dr version: OMG childhood friends who I thought had disappeared forever and ever make a sudden, unexpected reappearance in my life. I am having a weird day and thinking weird thoughts.
Monday, 22 February 2010
O-week shenanigans
7:18am: Leave house for bus
7:23am: Argue with bus driver about fare. He wanted to give me what he thought was a cheaper ticket (but it was more expensive) ... but I wasn't going that way so I refused. He thought me very stupid.
8:05am: Arrive at uni. No one I know is there. People slowly start to trickle in, and eventually we practice our dance routine on the grass. Flirted with one of the Kelly brothers with my eyes. (Yeah... nah. I just looked at him with stalker eyes... which he thought was hilarious)
9:00am: Set up the Rotaract stall. Bothered... er talked to people all morning. Me and Bob plan on trolling the Socialist alternative booth at some point in the week. Our argument would be:
Bob: You shouldn't support homosexual marriage because marriage is a religious institution, and religion is the opiate of the masses. Hence, as the Socialist alternative who is supposed to be religion free, homosexual marriage is useless.
Me: Annnd, the whole concept of monogamy is what underpins Capitalist society. The whole advertising sector works based on the societal perception that sex is something forbidden, only to be experienced by a monogamous pair. Hence, by promoting and supporting homosexual marriage, you are further supporting the idea that monogamy is a good value, hence you are supporting Capitalism.
Weee. Fun.
11:00am: Law, lawyers and society. The lecturer looks like fun =]
1pm: Helped out somewhat at the Rotaract stall, then moseyed over the the MDA stall to do a last minute rehearsal.
2pm: Performed. Kinda shit, kinda fun. They also had a workshop where they taught a couple (literally a couple) of moves from Beyonce's Single ladies. One guy went absolutely nuts! He was friggin epic. He's so cute, I'm going to adopt him as my little brother.
3pm: Eating lunch, recruiting people
4pm: Perception Lecture. In the first hour, the lecturer used the exact same slides as the ones he used last semester (suck for us second years, probably awesome for the third years). Second hour was okay.
6pm: hometime!
Friday, 19 February 2010
I was right... i guess
Being the gossip that I am, I enjoy digging out details about people's lives... whether it's some traumatic memory from when they were 16, to the newest item of clothing that they bought, to what their parents do for a living. People interest me... most of the time. The only time I don't find people interesting is when I'm in an extremely bad mood.
I guess I'm trying to segue into something another friend told me last week. What she said was that a couple of years back, another friend of mine approached her for sex. What she was confused about was that he considered her to be like a sister... and yet he wanted her sexually. Apparently this guy can't tell the difference between love and lust... to him they are pretty much the same thing.
Which brings me to (yeah... ok, so I'm not so great with segues. So sue me. Actually don't.) the fact that it's only been more recently that I've been able to tell the difference between lust... and actually liking someone enough to consider being in any semblance of a relationship with them.
Yup, you know it. I am a friggin genius.
And hey, what do you know but at the moment I don't particularly like anyone. Which is sad... but hey, I guess there's less opportunities to be hurt... or disappointed... or angry.
I don't feel well educated enough to make any political posts anytime soon... so maybe once I know enough about Marxism, Nietzsche, and just more political discourse in general I might write something more substantial. Till then, CBF.
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
I'd rather put my hand in hot glue.
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
Pretty cool bunch. a couple sing/dance/act/play an instrument (or some combination of the above). One guy has a last fm account xD so I'll add as soon as I can get facebook to work. And we'll meet up for coffee next week, and next year we'll be friends for ever and ever.
No, I'm kidding. I'll stick around as long as they need me/can cope with my craziness >_>
During the introductory speeches we did impromptu skits. I was the "annoying girl with the mobile phone" a.k.a. "Urine sample girl" Got the idea from the Chasers: below.
*phone rings* (from across the room, someone yells SHUT UP!)
Me: Hello, I called you earlier? Yeah you know the urine sample I was supposed to give you? I keep missing the cup. I put it in a bottle *pulls out bottle of berocca*. Is that ok? Alright I'll be there in a sec. Bye" *exit stage left*
Yeah... FUN!
Then I picked out my mentees, and took them to a classroom to drug them... er I mean get to know them. I got them to imagine that they were shipwrecked for a day... and pulled out a roll of toilet paper.
They had to take as much paper as they thought they'd need. I took about twenty sheets (just to set an example). The catch to this game is that for every square of toilet paper you took, you had to tell the group a fact about yourself. That was fun, and very educating =D
I took them on a tour of the uni, then we had lunch.
Then after that I went to dance practice... which was fail.
TL;DR: Mentoring: WIN. Dancing: FAIL.
Monday, 15 February 2010
Passive aggressive teaching methods
Naw I'm kidding, the kids that I teach are fricking adorable.
I never yell... I just sneak up behind them while they're busy chatting to their neighbour... and remind them in a sweet but sinister voice that they ought to be doing work... and that I'd be watching.
I am a creepy, creepy teacher.
But hey, it shuts the kids up. Rule with the fist of fear, right Machiavelli?
Speaking of work, I may have neglected to mention (okay... I neglected to mention it on purpose) that the new guy at work is approximately 14 months younger than I am.
If I were Christian, I would probably be going to hell.
As it stands, I am not. I am a Buddhist. I will most likely be reborn as a worm. A WORM.
This momentary lapse into silliness was brought to you by Dilmah: Peach Tea + giant spoon of sugar. And pizza.
Thursday, 11 February 2010
*awkward silence*
- like when you reveal that you know something about someone... except they've never told you... you found out on facebook.
- Or when you blurt out that someone is cute... but you don't actually know them... and they're a shop assistant.
- Or when you realise mid-conversation that you've been spending a lot of time with a certain co-worker... alone... and that you don't want other co-workers to think that something is happening between the two of you... so you stop talking for a bit.
- Or when you bump into a high-school school mate and have a conversation and he keeps looking at his watch... so you tell him you've got to go home.
Yeah. And I thought I'd get less awkward the older I got =/
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
Whacked out happenings
1) At parra station, a guy came up and asked me for $2 to get home. Then he muttered incoherently at me.
2) Also at parra station, a guy who seemed fairly well dressed walked up to the bin next to my bench and started sifting through the contents, first targeting coffee cups, then finally finding half an old donut. He picked it out and ate it as he walked off.
Thursday 4/2/10
1) Learned some more belly dancing
2) Spotted one of the Kelly Brothers working hard on something.
Saturday 6/2/10
1) Spud's birthday party. Passion pop, people wearing paper bags on their head and passive floating sensations in my head.
Monday 8/2/10
1) Fun neck hurting times from all the hair flicking/head banging/dancing on saturday
2) weird dizziness after watching rotating advertisements on tv in the middle of the food court
Tuesday 9/2/10
1) Witnessed a prang on one of three main roads. A car pulled into the bus lane of the main road to escape traffic. Simultaneously a car sped down an intersecting main road, turned into the main road i was standing on. Speeding car collided with car pulling out. Literally jumped back a bit (parts of car were flying around at low velocities)
2) Did some student mentor training. Swapped name tags with a dude at the end of the day, and got funny looks from people walking past.
3) saw the londonette's ex boyfriend on the bus to towers. Saw said ex do a double take at the name tag (or me... I'm not sure if I look different to 10 years ago or whatever)
Friday, 5 February 2010
I am a pervert.
New guy at work. Talks very fast (walks even faster). Kind of witty, sort of pretty. Odd sort of name too.
Has a physique like a shop mannequin. He has the elusive triangle shaped torso. It'd be a very interesting shape to draw if I was was an artist. Except I'm not. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you think about it) he looks rather nice in long sleeved shirts, especially if they're tucked in.
In other news:
- Pay rise
- Volunteered for Student Mentoring 2010
- Performing for O-week
- Booked tickets for Thailand for the end of the year
- Bought my first pair of high heels with my own money
- Cousins from NZ popped by over the holidays. Went to various places, ate at various restaurants.