Sunday 18 January 2009

Hold your breath and jump over the side.

I don't mean to sound like a whiny-emo-bitch, but right now I am extraordinarily bored. I work two days a week because my boss is being stingy, and doesn't want to pay me for four days of work. So I'm home for 5 days a week, with very little to do. It is driving me absolutely insane.

Half of my friends are off on a week's trip to the beach. Lief is in the deep end just after he's told Ania everything, so talking to him would be a bad idea, because he'll take out all his frustration out on me. I call people up to talk, but nothing has actually happened, so there's nothing to talk about.

Argh. I feel like my mind has atrophied.


divine.iniquity said...

Ah yeah. We just came back from a 5-day Christian camp; I'm tired in that the random people in my cabin snored all friggin night long T.T" for four nights straight. *sigh*

But yeah things haven't picked up for me now, nor during those five days. So what I think is I'll probably use my 3 weeks in HK without the Internet and stuff to really try and clear everything in my mind; re-evaluating everything logically and then coming back having a more realistic view of the things around me...maybe...

Find a way to get away too xD

gnataes said...

Zannen desu ne? I hope that you're successful in clearing your mind. Maybe, because you don't have the internet/blog, you could keep a diary. That way you could write down whatever you think of to make it easier to remember later. I'm sure that whatever happens in HK, you'll have done some productive thinking yeah?

divine.iniquity said...

Oh but I can't do that...blogging as if it were a journal...I guess I have some thoughts which I best keep only to myself; I guess I remember them all in my mind so like that my mind is my own personal journal ^^

gnataes said...

What I meant was that I'd keep a diary because I usually can't remember every idea that I have. But since you can remember everything, that's pretty impressive ^^