Thursday, 30 April 2009

oh damn.

That green tea cake that I bought actually turned out to be green bean cake/bread. It's kind of dry, the only moist part is the sweetened green beans. Also the sugar (not sure what kind it is) is the only other part of the cake/bread that is sweet =/ Not happy =[

Anyway, went home feeling kind of special. Then I realised I still have my essay due tomorrow =[

what am i doing blogging? :O

Sunday, 26 April 2009

oh my world...

we are not the only ones who have lost
we are not the only ones who have erred
yet we are blinded by our pain
which is greater than any other pain
by the virtue that we are the ones that feel it

Saturday, 25 April 2009


tumultuous seas are rising once more
the waters run red with the blood of our unborn children

futile are our struggles against all that is to come

there is no god
no otherworldly being to lift us out of the mire

we can only rely on our



Friday, 24 April 2009

This one's for you, so cut me a break

I usually dislike AMV's but I like this one for some reason.

feels like insomnia

Korean and English by the way

I've been a little hypocritical it seems. I say that I want to be around people who have emotional depth, and who aren't always at just one level all the time. Then when I'm faced with big displays of emotional, I can't cope with it.

Thursday, 23 April 2009

when all you got to keep is strong move along...

Man that guy is ugly. But this song is the song that helps me out the most when I'm feeling crap.

Um yeah.

So... apparently I'm a useless person to talk to when it concerns emotions, because as the cold hard bitch that I am, I don't feel emotions. Hence I don't understand them, and lack empathy. Which is why I'm not a doctor I suppose. And I'm on the way to hell (the path to hell is paved in gold, so I'm told).

er... 6 days to write this essay... and I'm procrastinating again... despite the fact that I'm trying to change. -_- *shakes head* I disappoint myself. *sigh*

The old me is dead and gone

Well, I'm learning to look at emotional setbacks objectively, and to see failure as feedback on how to be successful in the future. I've promised myself that I will be kinder to myself, and that I will stop wasting my time.

I know that the transition from high-school to university is difficult, and it makes you vulnerable to feeling lonely and clingy, but I can always count on my old friends being there eventually, and I can make new friends.

I used to think that being in a relationship was the ultimate goal. Since I was 10 or so, I've found someone every year to be infatuated with. Now, I know that while being in a relationship is desirable, I don't need it. It can wait.

I'm smarter, older, a little bit wiser. I'm not lazy, and I can do anything if I want to. I think I'm a slightly different person to who I was last year.

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

ARGH beans...

My mum brought a stack-load of snake beans home from the market this Saturday. Today I got to sort through them, then top and tail them. So many @.@

Listening to myself talk these days, I find that I sound really bitter. Now I'm not sure if I'm usually like this, of if it's just recently that I've become like this.

Monday, 20 April 2009

Cooking fail

Today, I tried to cook, and it ended in disaster. I tried a recipe for curried oats:

Now, usually when I cook, it turns out fine. Like edible. But usually, I follow the recipe exactly, even if I don't use high quality ingredients (home brand stuff IS fine, fyi)

Not so today. Instead of using curry powder, I used curry paste, and I used milk, because usually when I make curry I use coconut milk, and we didn't have any... so I thought I'd substitute.


The result was something with the consistency of orange, warm, viscous vomit. I would have taken a photo... but it was just... pretty gross actually.

Let's just say I'm not straying from the recipe anytime soon again =/

Sunday, 19 April 2009

I just died in your arms tonight...

Hrrhhnnn... Well, on Saturday I went out again. I think I've been going out more often these hols, and I haven't actually done that much work... I've done a bit, but probably not enough.

Anyway, went out iceskating again, with Pichu, Layzorz, Xinger, aix, awesome dude, awesome dude's twin, pendragon, lief and spanker. Unfortunately Awesome dude hadn't skated in a while, so we spent most of the time helping him revise... and by that I mean we skated around him, and tried to antagonise him. heh, we're awesome friends.

Found out from Lief that Inkheart is a meh kind of movie, so I probably won't watch it. I was thinking of watching it, but it seems the be a run-of-the-mill fantasy, so maybe not. I figure since the main thing our group does these days is go out to watch movies, so I should sign up for the Cinebuzz thing soon. *nods*

After iceskating, we caught the bus to Blacktown to have lunch and play at the arcade. We met up with Layzorz, Pichu, Xinger and Lief who went there by car (Grr... I should have gotten my licence earlier T^T) at the food court, where everyone went off to buy lunch. Except for me (I brought a sandwich), and Xinger who brought... a bag of pikelets... LOLOLOLOL Very random. Seriously, the size of the servings from the Asian food place are massive. Only Layzorz and Pendragon could finish off everything.

Then off we went to the arcade. There was a crazy kid playing DDR using BOTH sides of the dance pad. That's right, all eight pads. He looked fully pro... but he probably needs to... get a life (general consensus). We spent most of the time winning tickets... Pichu turns out to be quite the little (literally xD) gambling addict. She kept throwing 20c into the machine that spews out tickets if you knock off some coins into the pit. In the end, we ended up with 291 tickets >_> I may have helped... I turn out to be quite good at the game where you shoot the teeth out of a horse's mouth. ^^"

We were going to get sticky photos, but Lief told me that the machine was broken, and only printed out 4 photos T.T We actually spent a lot of time bumming around *nods* We got a few prizes, a heart shaped stress ball, some miniature playing cards, a heart shaped slinky, a star shaped slinky, some mini erasers... novelty items that will probably never be used again... oh well =] twas fun

turns out that the 630 didn't run all the way back home so me and spanker had to catch the 611 to Barclay, then wait for the 610 to get back home. We had to wait for 40 minutes for the 610 T^T ah well, got to talk to him for a bit =]

When I got home, I came to the realization that when I'm hormonal, I jump to the randomest conclusions, and then react accordingly... which is I go completely batshit crazy. Man... sometimes I think it'd just be easier to go on the Pill and not have periods... Too much info? Yeah... probably. But yeah, it's a blog. I'll say whatever I want... and possibly regret it later... who knows?

Friday, 17 April 2009


Yeah, I know lanning isn't technically a verb, but it might as well be. I went to Epping today to play Left for Dead at the Red and Blue internet cafe (next to the Gloria Jeans). It was pretty epic. Seriously, blowing the heads off of zombies is insanely fun. There's just something really awesome about hearing moaning zombies, computerised gun shots, the surprised cries of your team-mates (ahh... xerox... "uh... guys... a little help here =(" *lies squirming on the floor in pain*)


I think I'll learn how to play Starcraft next. Apparently, carriers are the best unit oO

After 2.5 hours of killing zombies, we went to lunch at some Asian place nearby. It was ok, serving sizes were quite good, but it was a little expensive.

Spanker had to go home for band practice, so we waited with him for a bit while he was waiting for the bus. While we were waiting, Spanker, awesome dude's twin, and morgan started beat-boxing. Yay! We probably looked like hoons.

Then we caught the train to Parra to go watch a movie. We split off into two groups, Pendragon, Awesome dude's twin, Morgan, Aix went off to watch Monsters vs Aliens, and me and awesome dude went to go watch The Boat that Rocked. Guess which movie rocked?

Lots of fun today. Although, I should probably get some work done soon =/

Thursday, 16 April 2009


I figure if I don't eat, I don't have to puke it back up again.


No, but seriously, since the holidays started and I've been sitting on my ass doing a lot of reading (Damn you LAW114!! *shakes fist*), I've stopped compulsively eating in general.

I'm not starving myself. Seriously, I eat when I'm hungry.

But I only feel hungry like twice a day now. Sometime around 11am, and then at about 8pm.

I think it has something to do with my blood sugar levels. While I was at uni, I had too much sugar and caffeine, and just crashed at the end of the day.


Sunday, 12 April 2009

Easter, birthdays, debauchery.

Probably three words you don't usually see together very often.


1) Morgan's birthday last week.
2) Went out to celebrate on Saturday
3) Drank a bit
4) Spent a stack of cash
5) Danced like an idiot
6) Came home late
7) Got a txt early in the morning from Ania about how I should think about the meaning of Easter, and of God's love
8) Guilt
9) More fun at Morgan's house
10) Less guilt + tired

So Morgan decided to have his party over the Easter Break so that everyone, including Jess (a friend of hers thought this name was a good English name for her apparently), could make it. He had his party over two days and one night. We all met up at his house, then went to city together on the 619 (the most useful bus ever... for me anyway) and had a very fun bus ride. We probably freaked out everyone on the bus. Heh.

We popped into a Woolworths to get a 3 litre bottle of coke, and a few more cans of Red Bull for karaoke, because as we all know K + alcohol = hilarious fun. Then dinner at Subway/Hungry Jacks/KFC. Mmm... healthy.

Onwards! To K. Where I had fun smuggling in a 3 litre bottle of coke under my jacket. Fun times. Hedless had a backpack to hide his bottle of vodka and 12 cans of red bull. $50 an hour this time, because it was night time. Still not too bad price wise, because we split it between 10 people. K is always fun. It doesn't matter if you're sick, or if you don't know anyone, or if you're sober.

Although trying to dance silly little Korean dances in a boob tube is rather... inconvenient.

Thursday, 9 April 2009


I may have destroyed half of my left eyebrow. Argh. I know you're only supposed to pluck away strays... but I may have gotten carried away. I suppose I could just draw it back on with pencil, like my mum does... but doesn't have to because she has tattooed eyebrows Oo Go mum, go. Woohoo.

So... I convinced ole padre to let me out on Saturday. Woohoo! Or not... because clubbing could be less fun than everyone makes it out to be, or possibly because there's another two parties happening at the same place at the same time... and that Barney (henceforth Barney-wannabe), will probably be there (thank you Facebook). That puts me in a somewhat awkward position.

Speaking of awkward positions...

Tuesday, 7 April 2009


Morgan's birthday party is on this Saturday. He plans for us to meet up at his house at 4.30, where we'll catch the bus to the city, and go K till 10. Then we'll go clubbing till 2am, then catch the bus to his house and sleepover. The following day will be a house party from 12 pm, dinner at Towers, then back to his house until late.

Now I want to go clubbing. Mainly because I haven't before.

Obstacles to this are my parents.

My parents arguments against:
1) It's too late at night
2) the environment/scene is bad
3) drunk people in the city at night are 'bad'
4) sleeping over at a male's house is bad
5) I might have sex with someone/do something that violates their morals, etc.

Arguments for:
1) I have money
2) + clothes
3) + transport there and back
4) the friends that I'm going with have already been introduced to parents
5) I will not drink too much (drinks are expensive >=[)
6) I will not wear provocative clothing
7) and we will be travelling in a group
8) there will be two other girls going
9) I really want to go
10) it's on saturday, and easter break, so I don't have work/study
11) I have driving lessons the next day, so I can't drink that much

My arguments against clubbing so that I won't feel bad if they vehemently say no, despite me trying to reason with them:
1) I have to spend money
2) I could be assaulted by a really slimy guy
3) I might have to look after drunk friends
4) I could wait until I'm older (when my parents are more used to me going out, and I'm not just fresh into uni)
5) I might get bored
6) heels are annoying


I can't win this can I.


Sunday, 5 April 2009

Perfume makes me happy

And I am feeling so very distressed right now.

Dream Fighter Pv

their newest vid i think. it's very cute.

Love the world: one of their biggest hits

Secret secret: I actually learnt this dance... ^~^

And now that our internet has been upgraded I can watch as many youtube vids as I want. yay!

i wonder...

why people who take drugs will advocate drugs to non drug takers?


why people in relationships advocate coupledom to singles?

because I've done both, and i don't see what's so great about either

love list

people who love me:

family (ie mum, dad, brothers, cousins, aunties, uncles etc)
friends (ie the awesome team, M)
parents of friends

people who don't love me: everyone else

Sunday Stealing: Blogs

got this from yes for pirating memes. yarr

1. How did you come up with your blog title OR what does it mean?
"Polyrhythm" is the name of an electropop hit by the Japanese trio "Perfume". It is the simultaneous sounding of two or more independent rhythms. So in this case it's kind of a metaphor.

2. What are your general goals for blogging?
To express myself, sometimes in ways I don't in actual life.

3. Do people “in your real life” know that you blog and do they comment on your blog OR is it largely anonymous?
How often do you post (x per week)?
That I know of, two people that I know read my blog, and one that I don't know in real life. and then the anonymous people who drop by via google, thanks to my really odd blog titles. The number of blog posts per week vary. somewhere between 1-3 i guess

4. How often do you read other blogs (x per week)?
a lot. google reader tells me that it's 23 today, so maybe 20-60 a week?

5. How do you select blogs to read (do you prefer blogs that focus on certain topics or do you choose by tone or…?)
I like blogs that reveal how people are feeling or thinking, then interesting topics, then funny topics.

6. Do you have any plans to copy your blog entries in any other format, 0r do you think that one day, you’ll just delete it all?
I think I'll just leave them on the internet for my kids/nieces/nephews/grandkids to find someday. If the internet crashes then oh well.

7. What are the things you like best about blogging?
I can express myself in words, and I have time to think about what I'm saying. Then I get to edit that ^__^

8. What are the things you don’t like about blogging?
The blogs I've written in the past. They're just pretty emo in general, and embarassing.

9. How do you handle comments?
Reply, once I come up with something to say. If not, I just leave it until I do.

10. Do you have any burning thoughts to share on blog etiquette?

11. Any desired blog features?
Not that I can think of at the moment

12. Have you suffered blog addiction?
A what now? I think my addiction usually fall under the category of procrastination... so not exactly blog addiction... maybe.