Tuesday 9 February 2010

Whacked out happenings

Wednesday 3/2/10
1) At parra station, a guy came up and asked me for $2 to get home. Then he muttered incoherently at me.
2) Also at parra station, a guy who seemed fairly well dressed walked up to the bin next to my bench and started sifting through the contents, first targeting coffee cups, then finally finding half an old donut. He picked it out and ate it as he walked off.

Thursday 4/2/10
1) Learned some more belly dancing
2) Spotted one of the Kelly Brothers working hard on something.

Saturday 6/2/10
1) Spud's birthday party. Passion pop, people wearing paper bags on their head and passive floating sensations in my head.

Monday 8/2/10
1) Fun neck hurting times from all the hair flicking/head banging/dancing on saturday
2) weird dizziness after watching rotating advertisements on tv in the middle of the food court

Tuesday 9/2/10
1) Witnessed a prang on one of three main roads. A car pulled into the bus lane of the main road to escape traffic. Simultaneously a car sped down an intersecting main road, turned into the main road i was standing on. Speeding car collided with car pulling out. Literally jumped back a bit (parts of car were flying around at low velocities)
2) Did some student mentor training. Swapped name tags with a dude at the end of the day, and got funny looks from people walking past.
3) saw the londonette's ex boyfriend on the bus to towers. Saw said ex do a double take at the name tag (or me... I'm not sure if I look different to 10 years ago or whatever)


Unknown said...


gnataes said...

Snerk? What is this snerk?

Unknown said...

A 'snerk' is when you're tried to hide your amusement, but you can't quite suppress it. Kind of like a snort, only you snort when you're contemptuous, and you snerk when amused.

Unknown said...

I can has good grammar.

gnataes said...

That's ok, I can haz good english